Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunny Weekend Update meets Rainy unfun Monday.

Good morning internet!
Here in Victoria this past weekend was pretty glorious. Almost like summer. A sneak peak of the warmth to come. Now it's Monday.... the beginning of a week of rain and gloom. I know I don't have work or anything, so it's not too terrible, but my husband will be working long hours this week and I won't have him or the sunshine to keep me company. Le sigh. To keep myself from getting the perpetual rainy days blues I'm going to make a list of lazy, self indulgent tasks for me to complete.
Such as;
watch an entire series of a tv show I haven't seen yet,
sleep 14 hours every night,
have 2 bubble baths a day,
finish my book and start the next in the series,
do lots of yoga in front of the fireplace,
maybe bake something?

Truth is this is exactly what I have been doing for the past 2 months while I've been off work... so it is kind of getting old, and I'm craving adventure and excitement... but I guess it could be worse. Today I'm 34 weeks of pregnant so I only have 6 weeks left of this so I'm going to try to not be bored of it and to enjoy it fully. TRY VERY HARD because it is getting super boring.... at least when it's sunny I can just sit outside and be entertained.

I just need keep looking forward at all the exciting things coming up. This weekend my wife/bff Melissa is coming to visit and we're going to see The Hunger Games and it's my good friend Nathaniel's bday dinner- both of which I'm really looking forward to. Being with my friends always cheers me up. That's something I've learned through pregnancy- the value of friendships and which friends aren't as good to you as you thought they were. I have a lot of amazing, caring friends who have been there for me not just when I'm happy but when I'm sad, hormonal and lonely. But I also have flaky friends who call me less and less, or don't answer my calls because they want to go get wasted and having a pregnant person around is a buzz kill. I guess pregnancy is a good way to weed out the true friends from the fake friends. It's just a shame that the majority of my true friends live elsewhere.

Anyway, at least I got a glimpse of sun over the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Here are some weekend highlights;

I sat on my back deck with all some of our new plants and soaked up some delicious sunshine

I watched my sexy burly husband build. He's enclosing our back deck to be a greenhouse/sun room!!

Sunday I went to the beach with my gorgeous friend Amanda, Then enjoyed a mani/pedi with Andrea and Haley. Then back to another beach for a bit. 
I also watched the new episode of Mad Men and cleaned my whole house! Good times.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fill in The Blank Friday- Colours

1.  My favorite color is     grey and teal   .

2.   My home decor color palette includes   black and red in the kitchen and living room, and green and brown in the bedrooms     .

3.  Other people always tell me I look good in the color     blues and greens   .

4. The color I detest is     pink. So cliche.

5. If you were to look in my closet most of the colors you'd see would be   blacks, greys, reds and greens.

6. A color that I simply cannot pull off no matter how hard I try is   pink. But that may just be my personal opinion  .

7.  The color of my favorite dress is   black   .

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Instagram Photo Dump

First Day of Spring!

I've been feeling extra pregnant these days and have been staying in bed longer in the morning and going in earlier in the evening. I've been so tired and uncomfortable I forget sometimes to just enjoy these last few weeks of calm before Minnow explodes into our lives. But honestly, I could use some exploding excitement! I feel like all I do these days is wait... and kill time... and wait some more. I'm so ready for her arrival and her upcoming birth I just want to get going already. I know I've mentioned this before but I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED!!This seems like the longest wait of my life. And I'm being totally impatient. I find myself hoping she comes a couple weeks early, like in 3 weeks when she'll be at 37 weeks and officially full term. I'm not going to lie... I wouldn't mind not being pregnant for an extra 3 weeks. But I do hope she stays in there until at least then. I want her to be healthy and big enough to bring home right away. Oh my goodness I can't wait to snuggle her close and look into her eyes! I keep day dreaming about what she'll look like; will she have my features or Josh's? And when I get bored I go in her bedroom and go through all her clothes and make cute outfits I can't WAIT to dress her up in! I'm so happy to be having a girl :)

This morning as I lied in bed for a ridiculously long time reading the spring edition of In Style I realized- today is the first official day of spring!! :D Which made me realize how fast time has gone since Christmas time, and just how soon my due date really is! Then all the hopes of warm weather and beach days came flooding in! And the possibility of getting back to my normal size and going to hot yoga again! I have so much to look forward to. :)

Here are some pretty springy pictures to get excited about! Enjoy.
Spring colours! (Photo from Pinterest)

Pretty roses. (Photo from Pinterest)

cute idea! (Photo from Pinterest)

My life. (Photo from Pinterest)

lol! (Photo from Pinterest)

This is my goal for the summer with Minnow :) (Photo from Rockstar diaries)

Nice tomatoes you got there ;) (Photo from A well traveled woman)

(Photo from Pinterest)

What a magical little home! (Photo from Pinterest)

Oh hi der. (Photo from Pinterest)

Succulents! (Photo from A well traveled woman)

Love this idea! (Photo from Pinterest)

Last spring in Victoria at Willows beach.

Last spring in Victoria- Beacon Hill Park
Me enjoying the first hot day of spring at Ogden Point Victoria
One of last spring's adventures!

A visit to a nursery last spring